Fishing policy and regional policy

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  • 100% Distance learning
  • Starting date : February 4, 2020
  • Work rate : 8 hours during 2 weeks
  • contact-us



In the second half of the 20th century, fishing activities became industrialised on a scale never seen before leading to a serious decline in fish stocks.
Because of this, states began to introduce management systems setting terms and access rights for fishing these stocks. As the third largest fishing power in the world, and given the economic significance of fishing activity for coastal regions in Member States, the European Union could not ignore these developments. Therefore, in 1983, it introduced its own fisheries conservation and management regime. The majority of measures introduced through the policy focus on conserving resources. However, there is also a substantial external dimension, dictated by both the need to protect the activities of the Community fishing fleet and the international legal context. This external dimension has continued to grow and diversify since 1983. As restricted fishing areas and exclusive economic zones have become more widespread, community fishing vessels have been excluded from zones in the waters of third countries where they traditionally used to fish. It has therefore been necessary to sign agreements with third countries in order to redeploy these boats. Furthermore, the 1982 Montego Bay Convention on the Law of the Sea has placed emphasis on international corporation between states with an interest in fish stocks beyond national jurisdictions. Thus, the European Community has become involved in the work of Regional Fisheries Organisations.

Programme Leader(s)

  • Noémie LARROUILH
This distance learning course is led by Gwenaele Proutière-Maulion, researcher in Maritime Law and vice-chair for European and International Affairs at the Nantes Université.

Our partners

Research center

The CDMO (Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre) of the Nantes Université, responsible for the European Research Programme ERC Human Sea, organize from October 15th to 17th, 2018 an international maritime colloquium centered on the theme Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation.


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • University level
  • Apply knowledge of public international law and European law

Target audience

Anyone who needs to learn about counter piracy and instruments in order to conduct a study or to make a decision in a professional context.


Application procedure

Ask for your registration using the online form

Tuitions :
  • Student rate : 122 euros
  • University staff rate : 122 euros
  • Grouped registration: contact us
  • Professional training : 430 euros


Module 1: The Ecosystem Approach and International Fisheries Management
Module 2: Monitoring Fishing Activity
- The role of international fisheries management organisations
- The role of regional fisheries management organisations
Module 3: An Example of Integrated Supranational Policy: the Common Fisheries Policy
- Community fishing zones
- Delegation of responsibilities
- Key management and conservation measures
- Fisheries control

Fully remote

8 hours during 2 weeks
Work rate : 4 hours / week

This training leads to a participation certificate.

What's next?

Competencies acquired

  • Understand the issues involved in regulating fisheries,
  • Define the extent to which fishing policy measures have an impact on activity,
  • Understand the European model,
  • Identify the interests within a regional policy.
Mis à jour le 07 June 2019.